Posted on 8/23/2018

Your brakes need a yearly checkup just as you would go to your doctor for a physical. Neglecting your brakes can be costly and detrimental to the overall health of your vehicle. Brake systems over the years haven't changed a great deal, but technology in most vehicles still has the hydraulic brake system, with anti-lock brake and ABS. And to keep the brakes lasting longer, they need periodic maintenance - and will ultimately save you money. Here's how your brakes work It might seem like a mystery when you press down on the brake pedal to stop this 3,000-pound missile on a dime - but the mechanics of it are rather simple. Your brake pedal activates the cylinder that applies brake fluid to the calipers that then engage your brake pads. This chain-like reaction will then apply force to the rotors, which create the friction needed to stop the en ... read more