Posted on 1/3/2017

I love walnuts in many forms. Cracking them open and eating them right from the shell. Savouring the awesome maple glazed walnut crusted salmon my wife makes. Enjoying a tasty banana honey-walnut muffin. Yum Yum!! Let's not forget the many health benefits of walnuts as well. It is said that they help weight loss, induce sleep, are great for your hair, make your skin glow, and prevent heart disease to name just a few! At Eastside Auto Service, we have a new way of enjoying walnuts and their shells! Have you ever heard of Crushed Walnut Blasting? If you are driving a vehicle utilizing direct fuel injection like Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Mercedes Benz, Mini Cooper, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Ford and many more, you soon will. Due to the design of their direct fuel injection systems, these engines are notorious for developing excessive carbon build up on the intake valves that leads to major driveability issues. These issues range in severity from a check engine light on in the dash, loss of power ... read more