Posted on 3/10/2016

Are you planning a trip with the family? Is it going to be a road trip? There are so many places to explore in this beautiful country. Whether you're headed on vacation or to a family function, we all want to avoid the most dreaded words on a family car trip - “Are we there yet?”It's hard for kids to sit still. And sitting still while buckled inside a vehicle can be an even bigger challenge. Distraction can help pass the time, and taking breaks gives kids a chance to stretch and move around. Make the best of a long road trip with these kid-tested tips: PLAN AHEAD If you don't mind driving at night, dress the kids in their pajamas and drive while it's dark out. Hopefully they will sleep through the night. Added bonus - there may be less traffic too. If possible, try to build in some extra time in case you need to make an unexpected stop, or if traffic is slow.When planning your route ... read more