Posted on 9/24/2015

Having the right tires installed on your vehicle is a must for safe driving. In Southern Ontario, snow tires are highly recommended. Winter tires are proven to perform better than all-season tires in the cold. They can help reduce braking distances by up to 25% in a variety of winter conditions, not just on snow. In 2008 it became mandatory to have them installed on vehicles in Quebec from December 15 to March 15. That's how important they are. Many insurance companies in Ontario offer a 5-per-cent discount for having four snow tires installed during winter (November through March). Typically these winter tire discounts are applied to the rating of any vehicle that has four winter tires installed no later than November 20 and removed no earlier than April 15. But what about winter tire storage? At Eastside Auto Service we make the process of seasonal tire storage as easy as possible for our customers. Have you ever experienced frustration, and maybe a little “rage” when try ... read more