Posted on 9/7/2016

Safety Tips for Drivers It's finally here. Little ones with their over-sized backpacks and shiny new running shoes, laughter, stories of summer vacation and rushing to get to school before the bell rings. As summer comes to an end the focus switches from carefree fun to learning and playing with friends. Kids will be travelling on buses, riding their bikes, and walking to and from school. Let's help keep the kids safe by following a few safety tips: Watch for pedestrians and cyclists. Be on the lookout for pedestrians and cyclists, especially little ones that could easily disappear behind other vehicles. As soon as the bell rings kids are excited to get home and play, and may not be paying attention to where they're going. Be patient. Little legs take a bit longer to cross the street. Kids may be excited about seeing their friends or sharing show-and-tell with their new teach ... read more