Celebrate Family Day right here in Oakville on Monday, February 15th
Lots of great local destinations and activities to keep the family busy all day
Whether you want an exciting, energetic activity like family boot camp or Zumba, or a quiet story time, there are many great things to do right here in Oakville. Why not try something new? Explore a new part of town by going for a trail walk, try an instrument, or what about a different sport like Tchoukball.
Town of Oakville Family Day Activities
The Town of Oakville's “Make Your Move” Family Day is back with lots of fun activities to get the family moving. Swimming, skating, volleyball, basketball and even bubble soccer are just a few of the activities offered. Families can even check out a firetruck and Zamboni!
The Town of Oakville, Oakville Public Library, and YMCA have teamed up again to provide a huge assortment of activities to entertain every member of the family. For a detailed list of events, locations and times please have a look at the Town's website: http://www.oakville.ca/culturerec/family-day.html (or their Family Day Brochure: http://www.oakville.ca/assets/general%20-%20culture%20recreation/FamilyDayBrochure.pdf)
Tip: Plan your day
There are so many activities happening all over town, so have a look at what's happening where, and then poll the family!
Toopy & Binoo
Have younger kids? Toopy & Binoo will be in town for a free interactive performance at QEPCCC.
There are three shows full of fun stories and music geared to kids between ages 3-7. Shows are on Monday, February 15 at 10:30 am, 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm. Tickets can be picked up one-hour before the start of each performance at the entrance of the Black Box Theatre at Queen Elizabeth Community and Cultural Centre, 2302 Bridge Road.
Bronte Creek
On Family Day the Nature Centre will be open from 10 am to 4 pm. There will be live animals, and hands-on activities, plus at the park there's a play barn, skating rink, tobogganing hill and trails!
*Staff Favourite*
Eastside Auto's General Manager, Jeremy Riopelle likes to take his family to Bronte Park to celebrate Family Day because there are so many great things to do there. Usually there is snow on the ground this time of year, and they enjoy skating and tobogganing at the park. Even without snow there are still lots of fun things to do, especially seeing all the animals!
Oakville Museum
If you're looking to discover more about our local history, then visit the Oakville Museum. You can tour the home of Oakville's founding family, explore the beautiful surroundings at Erchless Estate and take part in the current exhibits.
Honour Black History Month by visiting their new permanent exhibit titled: Freedom, Opportunity and Family: Oakville's Black History. They also have a special multimedia show about the Underground Railroad.
Canada 150 Mosaic Mural Family Day Workshop
Make your mark on history by participating in the Canada 150 Mosaic Mural Project! This unique project is a chance to show your civic pride by painting a tile that will be part of a larger mural.
It's happening at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre on Feb. 15. Space is limited, so wristbands are available in front of the workshop studio starting one hour prior to each workshop.
Oakville Parks & Trails
Looking for something a little quieter that fits into your schedule? Don't forget about all the beautiful parks and trails around town! There are 185km of pedestrian and cycling paths to explore. Here's a list of local parks (http://www.oakville.ca/culturerec/park-listing.html) and trails (http://www.oakville.ca/culturerec/trails.html).
Family Day Contest
Don't forget to enter the Family Day contest on our Facebook page! Just tell us your favourite Family Day destination or activity for your chance to win a dash cam!
Happy Family Day!