Posted on 2/20/2018

Click here to read Christian Skovbjerg's full letter to the entire Aktive Motors community Aktive Motors is a full service SAAB & European Car specialty shop located in Oakville. Christian Skovbjerg is the owner and founder of Aktive Motors and an expert in automotive engineering. His passion for the SAAB brand has seen him working with several SAAB dealers across the GTA and eventually back to his native Sweden in 1994 as a Service Educator for SAAB at their head office. After many years dedicated to his craft and growing his business, Christian made the tough decision to move towards a new career change. Like any good business owner that cares for his customers, he wanted to make sure that they were in good hands during this transition period and to find a mechanic that falls in line with his ideals and culture - and more importantly, one that will look after his community. Christian and I met several times over the course of a ... read more