Posted on 10/19/2017

What do you worry about during the holiday season? Some of us worry about picking the perfect gift. Others try to push the mounting credit card bills to the back of their minds. Still others lose sleep at the thought of one more trip through the crowded halls of Christmas jingles and anxious shoppers that are shopping malls this time of year. It's easy to get wrapped up in all the personal and family stress of the holidays, but at one point or another we end up in a warm, bright room with our family and friends, eating a regrettable amount of food and passing out gifts. Maybe it's cliché to suggest that not everyone gets to enjoy that warmth, but with the stress and clamour of the holidays, it's easy to push the thought from our minds. That's understandable - we only have so much space in our brains to keep track of the holiday season chaos ... read more